Class Announcements

Semester I 2020 – 2021

(Second Part)


  1. Anyone in this class can access the formal syllabus at the  please log in with your own account.
  2. I will continue on the second part of the class.
  3. The asynchronous and synchronous  materials discussions   will be ported at to the MM5007 MS Teams platform
  4. This website is for posting the assignments, evaluation announcement  and other open informations

July 12th, 2020

Semester II 2018 – 2019

February 16th, 2019


  1. Please prepare the financial statements in HW3, using the following format : >>  Midterm Exam Format << There will be a huge penalty if you are doing so. You should fix your exam document at the exam time.
  2. Please download the financial report of both firm in  2017
  3. Please take a note the stock prices at the last day of trading year for the last 5 years for both firms.
  4. Find the current corporate bond outstanding at the link HERE, find it for both firms.


Your HW3 will be the critical part of your exam.

February, 2nd, 2019

Class Activity:

Kahoot and Scorative session :


Socrative Sessions


  • Equity Valuation
  • Cost of Capital
  • CAPM Model
  • Risks and Return

HW 3, due before the midterm class

  • Please prepare a company that is the direct competitor you choose in HW1.
  • Calculate the all respected ratio on three financial statements: Income Statment, Balance Sheet, and
  • an article :

HW 4, due before the midterm exam:

  • Please write an article:
  • odd NIM: about Financial Management  Perspective
  • even NIM: about Financial Management in Practice


January , 26th , 2019

  • Financial Statment Analysis, Theory and Practice
  • Income Statment
  • Balnce Sheet
  • Cash Flow
  • Conducting Financial Statment Analysis
  • Dupont Analysis

HW2,  due on the  3rd week of class: :

  • Finished off the calculation in the class and applied the data for the whole year
  • Brings computer all the time in this class,
  • Prepared for Kahoot and Socrative account


January 19th, 2019

  • Class Introduction , Syllabus, Class Management, Team Definition
  • The function of Financial Management
  • Time Value of Money. Present and Future Discounted Cash Flow
  • Interest and  Bond Valuation

HW 1, due on the 2nd week of class.

  • Create a folder in google Drive , named it : MM5007 Your Name
  • Choose any firm you really want to know
  • Collect the complete financial statement report for the last 5 years : Income Statement, Balance Sheet, andCash Flow