Semester I 2020 – 2021
(Second Part)
- Anyone in this class can access the formal syllabus at the please log in with your own account.
- I will continue on the second part of the class.
- The asynchronous and synchronous materials discussions will be ported at to the MM5007 MS Teams platform
- This website is for posting the assignments, evaluation announcement and other open informations
July 12th, 2020
Semester II 2018 – 2019
February 16th, 2019
- Please prepare the financial statements in HW3, using the following format : >> Midterm Exam Format << There will be a huge penalty if you are doing so. You should fix your exam document at the exam time.
- Please download the financial report of both firm in 2017
- Please take a note the stock prices at the last day of trading year for the last 5 years for both firms.
- Find the current corporate bond outstanding at the link HERE, find it for both firms.
Your HW3 will be the critical part of your exam.
February, 2nd, 2019
Class Activity:
Kahoot and Scorative session :
Socrative Sessions
- Equity Valuation
- Cost of Capital
- CAPM Model
- Risks and Return
HW 3, due before the midterm class
- Please prepare a company that is the direct competitor you choose in HW1.
- Calculate the all respected ratio on three financial statements: Income Statment, Balance Sheet, and
- an article :
HW 4, due before the midterm exam:
- Please write an article:
- odd NIM: about Financial Management Perspective
- even NIM: about Financial Management in Practice
January , 26th , 2019
- Financial Statment Analysis, Theory and Practice
- Income Statment
- Balnce Sheet
- Cash Flow
- Conducting Financial Statment Analysis
- Dupont Analysis
HW2, due on the 3rd week of class: :
- Finished off the calculation in the class and applied the data for the whole year
- Brings computer all the time in this class,
- Prepared for Kahoot and Socrative account
January 19th, 2019
- Class Introduction , Syllabus, Class Management, Team Definition
- The function of Financial Management
- Time Value of Money. Present and Future Discounted Cash Flow
- Interest and Bond Valuation
HW 1, due on the 2nd week of class.
- Create a folder in google Drive , named it : MM5007 Your Name
- Choose any firm you really want to know
- Collect the complete financial statement report for the last 5 years : Income Statement, Balance Sheet, andCash Flow